It is scientifically proven that alcohol causes impaired locomotor coordination and reduces glare. The Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB) had its Article 165 of Chapter XV, considered the most serious act of driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics and punish violators with loss of Driver's License (CNH), as amended.
Since the decree of June 2008, driving under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substance that determine addiction is considered very serious offense. On inspection, the driver is subjected to alcohol tests by devices approved by Contran, called breathalyzers.
In the eyes of the law, being drunk is having more than 0.6 grams of alcohol per liter of blood - the equivalent of two shots of whiskey or two cans of beer to a person who weighs 70 pounds. Although one should take into account the individual metabolism. In theory, the more you eat, the less the effects of alcohol are felt. The recovery time for those who drank little more than two glasses of whiskey is at least three hours. Above that, it is best to get the wheel until the next day. The ideal is to never drive after drinking. Or if you never drink drive. Check out:
• A glass of beer or a glass of wine: 0.2 g / l - You get a little more confident, but still okay. The drink is not enough to cause neurological
• A shot of whiskey or a can of beer: 0.3 g / l - His notion of distance and speed is impaired. A car that looks far is a little closer than you think
• Two glasses of wine or two glasses of beer: 0.4 g / l - reflexes are compromised and you lose the ability to respond quickly to dangerous situations takes longer to activate the brake, for example)
• Two doses of whiskey or two cans of beer: 0.6 g / l (maximum allowed in Brazil) - Feeling of euphoria. You lose the sense of danger. The risk of accidents doubles
• Four glasses of wine or four glasses of beer: 0.8 g / l - feeling of warmth and flushing.You lose muscle coordination and sense of detail. Can still drive, but their reactions are much slower
• Four doses of whiskey or four cans of beer: 1.2 g / l - You're intoxicated. Can not make the correct radius of a curve, or follow the traffic lanes
• Five cans of beer or a bottle of wine: 1.5 g / l - Are you unable to focus on transit.Loses his memory and the ability to trial. Is a step off the wheel
The fine is R $ 957.50 and the driver's wallet is suspended for 12 months. The vehicle is held until the presentation of the driver enabled. The case becomes more serious if the drunk driver is involved in traffic offenses. The penalty can amount up to six months to three years of detention and the ban on driving a motor vehicle.